
Server-side support for Distant Horizons

DH Support is a Bukkit/Spigot/Paper server plugin that transmits Level Of Detail (LOD) data to connected clients in order to provide a much higher view distance than Minecraft normally would allow. Distant Horizons will work fine without this plugin, but then each client will have to be within normal view distance of chunks to load them, and they will not receive updates for distant chunks when they change.


Download the latest release and drop the JAR in your plugins folder, forward port 25049 (TCP) to your server, and you’re done!


The default values should be pretty solid, but you may tweak them to better suit your specific needs. Everything you need to know should be in config.yml.


The project uses Maven, so just run mvn in the project directory to compile and package a new JAR.


There are several ways to contribute to this project. You can offer your feedback on Discord, report any issues or bugs you find, or attack an open issue and submit a pull request.